With the advancement of technology, remote video depositions can actually provide many advantages over in-person video depositions:








The videographer can record witness-only, or record both the witness and any exhibits shown on the screen during the deposition (Picture-in-Picture). Either way, no other participants will be recorded and meeting toolbars won’t be recorded on the video either. If you choose Picture-in-Picture, you also receive a video copy of the deposition with the witness-only, free of charge.

Save The Expense
Do you really need to travel to take the deposition? If not, save your travel costs and conduct the video deposition remotely. The video and audio are still high-quality with timestamp included.

When you conduct a remote video deposition, be assured the same reliability exists as an in-person deposition. Integrity Video records 4 simultaneous recordings of the deposition to ensure that your deposition is preserved. None of these recordings are done within the videoconferencing software (Zoom, etc), so they will endure, even if the meeting freezes or closes down.

Exhibit Management
Don’t feel comfortable displaying and marking exhibits remotely? We provide this service as well, so that you can focus solely on the questioning. This additional service is available upon request.

Meeting Management
When you book a remote video deposition with Integrity Video, we serve as the Zoom administrator by default, and we can provide countdowns on breaks, open up breakout rooms, provide technical assistance to participants–all at no extra charge. We have found that remote video depositions often run more smoothly than in-person depositions, as there is a centralized control over the remote meeting.

All in all, remote video depositions can be a very positive experience when you choose the right legal video company to provide this service. If you have further questions on how remote video depositions can be conducted, feel free to reach out to me at the contact information below. You can also schedule a remote video deposition by contacting me.

Tim Falk, CLVS | Owner
Integrity Video LLC
(303) 630-9497