About The Owner

Tim Falk, CLVS
My name is Tim Falk, and I’m the owner of Integrity Video LLC.
I have been a legal videographer for over 12 years. I started my legal video career in Alabama, and now am serving the Colorado and Wyoming Front Range.
When you work with an independent legal videographer such as myself, you know exactly who will be filming your deposition, and you save money by cutting out the middle-man (scheduling firms who mark up the video bill).
Don’t sacrifice consistency or more cost to your client. We consistently produce the highest quality videos for the legal field. By taking a one-on-one approach for each job, Integrity Video continues to provide the best professional services at a fair price.
I look forward to making your next video deposition the best yet. Schedule a deposition today (303) 630-9497 or office@integrityvideo.com.
Schedule a deposition: (719) 394-DEPO or (303) 630-9497 or click here to email
A picture-in-picture video deposition sets your deposition apart from a typical deposition. Imagine on the video being able to show to the jury the exhibits you introduce during the deposition. While no exhibits are being utilized, the video shows only the deponent full-screen, just like a normal video deposition.
When you show the deponent an exhibit, the video of the deponent moves to one of 4 corners of the video screen, and the exhibit appears full-screen on the video. You can mark-up the exhibit, zoom in and out of the exhibit, or move the exhibit. Everything that happens to the exhibit will be recorded and played back to the jury.
When you are finished utilizing that exhibit, the deponent returns full-screen once again, until the next exhibit is shown. This continues throughout the deposition as directed by your needs. As you may expect, this is a much-preferred way of showing depositions to the jury, rather than showing only the deponent throughout the questioning. It helps keep the jury engaged, providing stronger visual emphasis.
This all happens due to a second video camera being utilized during the deposition that separately captures each document/exhibit. This second video camera is made especially for documents.
In addition, one or more TV/tablet monitors in the room allow for deposition participants (including yourself) to see the picture-in-picture occurring in real time.
Most legal videographers are not trained to shoot picture-in-picture videos; they simply cannot provide this service. Integrity Video not only provides this option for video depositions, but can do so with a fraction of the equipment normally necessary to shoot this highly-skilled form of video deposition. That means significantly less room is taken up on the table with video equipment, allowing you to more freely run your deposition.
Schedule a picture-in-picture deposition now: (719) 394-DEPO or (303) 630-9497 or click here to email