About The Owner

Tim Falk, CLVS
My name is Tim Falk, and I’m the owner of Integrity Video LLC.
I have been a legal videographer for over 12 years. I started my legal video career in Alabama, and now am serving the Colorado and Wyoming Front Range.
When you work with an independent legal videographer such as myself, you know exactly who will be filming your deposition, and you save money by cutting out the middle-man (scheduling firms who mark up the video bill).
Don’t sacrifice consistency or more cost to your client. We consistently produce the highest quality videos for the legal field. By taking a one-on-one approach for each job, Integrity Video continues to provide the best professional services at a fair price.
I look forward to making your next video deposition the best yet. Schedule a deposition today (303) 630-9497 or office@integrityvideo.com.
Schedule a focus group: (719) 394-DEPO or (303) 630-9497 or click here to email
Many attorneys hold jury focus groups, but some have not considered videoing the focus group. While each person is individually mic’ed for a deposition, this is not feasible for focus groups, due to the number of people participating.
However, Integrity Video utilizes four specially-sensitized overhead condensor microphones to clearly pick up the comments made by every “juror” in the room. The microphones are enabled and disabled depending on who is speaking from the jury. The microphones are discreetly hidden from the video frame, so as to not distract the viewer. A lavalier microphone is also used for the attorney making his case to the “jurors.”
If requested, a second video camera can be placed on the attorney, and we can produce a picture-in-picture final product. Most jury focus groups that are video-recorded, however, are concerned solely with the expressions on the faces of the “jurors.”
Consider video-recording your next jury focus group. You can provide a copy of this video to opposing counsel to demonstrate to them the thoughts and deliberations of a potential jury–in hopes of reaching a settlement before heading to trial.
Schedule a focus group now: (719) 394-DEPO or (303) 630-9497 or click here to email